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- Bruns, Stephan et al.: Statistical reporting errors in economics, Preprint, 2023. Link
- Bartoš, František et al.: Fair coins tend to land on the same side they started: Evidence from 350,757 Flips, Preprint, 2023. Link
- Islam, Chris-Gabriel und Jennifer Lorenz: Commentary to MARP: how to increase the robustness of survey studies, Religion, Brain & Bevavior, 2022. Link
- Hoogeven, Susanne et al.: A Many-Analysts Approach to the Relation Between Religiosity and Well-being, Religion, Brain & Bevavior, 2022. Link
- Happ, Alina und Chris-Gabriel Islam: The use of scanner data to compile regional price indices in Germany with an outlook to income inequality, ISI World Statistics Congress 2021, Conference Proceedings. Link
- Bieg, Matthias et al.: Using Scanner Data in Consumer Price Statistics – Preparation for a Production Process, EU Grant Final Report, 2020.
- Henn, Karola, Chris-Gabriel Islam, Patrick Schwind und Elisabeth Wieland: Measuring price dynamics of package holidays with transaction data, EURONA 2/2019. Link
- Islam, Chris-Gabriel: Fallbezogene Anwendung von Maschinellem Lernen im Rahmen eines ESSnet-Projekts der Arbeitsmarktstatistik, mimeo. PDF
- Swier, Nigel et al.: Webscraping Job Vacancies, Deliverable 1.2, Final Technical Report (SGA-2), ESSnet Big Data, Work Package 1, 2018. PDF | Link
- Technische Universität Darmstadt (Hrsg.): Wiederaufbau und Erweiterung. Das Staatliche Hochschulbauamt Darmstadt 1949-1988, Darmstadt 2016. Link